Artist's Palette - Death Valley National Forest

Location : Artist's palette, Death Valley National Forest
Address : Artists Palette, Furnace Creek, CA 92328.
Tree Cover : No treecover. Sunscreen recommended.
Parking : Parking near trailhead, click here.
Note : It is a good idea to carry water.
Note : Death valley gets pretty hot in summer so carry plenty of water with you.
Artist's palette and Badwater basin are two must-see points in Death Valley that are next to each other. Take a detour from Badwater road onto Artist's drive. A 4-mile drive on the Artist's road takes you to Artist's palette area. It is about another 4 miles back to Badwater road. The hike starts at the Artist's palette parking. Click here to open the parking location in map.
Various mineral pigments have colored these volcanic deposits. Iron salts produce the reds, pinks and yellows. Decomposing mica causes the green. Manganese supplies the purple. Colors on the 'Palette' are reproduced in a larger scale on the mountains around Death Valley.